“ You can’t be an athlete for any kind of instant gratification you have to be ready for the long game. You have to look down the road and understand that You may not PR for 8 more months, and you have to be OK with that and understand that you have to love the road you’re traveling as much as the destination to which you come. And you have to stay TOUGH. Your sport will let you down. IT WILL, But you still have to love it, for all that it is and for all that it gives you and for all that it takes from you . You have to commit to your pain and your injuries. You have to commit to the negativity you will receive from your own mind. And you have to continue to train because you love it.” -Aimee Everett

My name is Christina, I’m a wife, Mom of 3,Weightlifter and coach. I use the term “Bury Me With My Barbell” because I feel Weightlifting saved my life. The Barbell gave me a sense of passion and purpose outside of being a Mom and wife. It is something that challenges me not only physically but also mentally. When I picked up the barbell my mindset went from focusing on what my body did or didn’t LOOK like to focusing on just how much my body was capable of doing. When the world seems to be upside down I can count on the barbell because for however long I’m training it’s just me and barbell and I can silence everything else for that I am forever grateful. “Bury Me With My Barbell.”

“Garage Mind is the attitude and mindset of the old school garage-training weightlifter who loves the sport even when it’s trying to kill you. Who will do what it takes to make it work even when it seems impossible. Who believes that hard work and character are more important than recognition, and that there is truly something pure and magical about the sport of Weightlifting that can only be experienced when the excesses and distractions are stripped away.

”-Greg Everett

No matter what level, If you are passionate about Weightlifting and would like to work one on one contact me here!